Concert: A birthday concert for James Nyoraku Schlefer
7:30 PM
Tenri Cultural Institute of New York
Brooklyn Sanya – James Nyoraku Schlefer (2009)
Smile on a Buddha Calm – James Nyoraku Schlefer (2014)
The Birthday Tribute! – compiled with love and respect by Victoria Bond, Chad Cannon, Douglas Cuomo, Daron Hagen, Matthew Harris, William Healy, Kento Iwasaki, Mari Kimura, Angel Lam, Daniel Levitan, Gilda Lyons, James Matheson, Paul Moravec, Mark Nowakowski, Thomas Osborne, Charles Porter, Jay Reise, Carlos Sanchez-Gutierrez, Benjamin Verdery, Aleksandra Vrebalov, Donald Womack, Kenneth Woods, and Randall Woolf (2016)
More Information
Kyo-Shin-An Arts' birthday concert will honor James Nyoraku Schlefer as both a performer and a composer. It will feature Schlefer performing his solo Zen honkyoku “Brooklyn Sanya”, a performance of his quartet “Smile on a Buddha Calm” and a unique tribute of musical vignettes being written for the occasion by many of KSA’s commissioned and featured composers.
Nora Nohraku Suggs, shakuhachi
Muneko Otani, violin
Dorothy Lawson, cello