Digital Press Kit Materials
Taka Kigawa Biography
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György Ligeti: Etude No. 1, "Désordre" - Taka Kigawa (Live)
August 6th, 2023 at Greencastle Summer Music Festival at DePauw University, Taka Kigawa performed György Ligeti's Etude No. 1, "Désordre" as the second encore piece after his solo recital program.
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Either/Or: Taka Kigawa performs Triadic Memories (1981) - Morton Feldman
Spring Season
June 24, 2022
Tenri Cultural Institute
Morton Feldman - Triadic Memories (1981)
Taka Kigawa - Piano
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Taka Kigawa plays György Ligeti Étude No. 15 "White on White"
Taka Kigawa plays György Ligeti's piano étude No. 15, "White on White" for Metropolis Ensemble's "House Music" series.
"Metropolis exists to support outstanding performers and composers through the creation of new work. In an effort to keep our artist and audience communities supported and connected in these challenging times, we have launched a virtual concert and commissioning series called House Music.
House Music features bite-sized performances of newly commissioned, classical, and contemporary works from musicians sheltering around the country." - Metropolis Ensemble
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Friday Night Live - Taka Kigawa at the Ambassador's Residence
Taka Kigawa did a solo recital at the Japanese Ambassador's official residence in New York on December 18th, 2020, presented by the consulate general of Japan in New York.
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Taka Kigawa performs Pierre Boulez Second Sonata
Taka Kigawa performs Pierre Boulez's Second Sonata, in his sold-out recital in New York City in 2011. The composer highly praised his playing this music, as well as his Third Sonata, etc., as "very much impressed by the brilliant way he performed them. He was precise, and at the same time inventive."
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Taka Kigawa performs Liszt Sonata in B minor (excerpt)
Taka Kigawa performs Franz Liszt's Sonata in B minor. The Shelter Island Reporter described his performance as "Mr. Kigawa brought real expressive depth to this massive -- nearly 40 minutes -- work. Written in four uninterrupted movements, the interior drama of the work was so vividly developed that while Mr. Kigawa looked cool and unruffled at the end, the audience was left breathless. Musicians and musicologists have argued for over 160 years about the significance of, and the symbolism in this work. But with a performance as stirring as Mr. Kigawa's, the sonata's reputation as Liszt's greatest work is assured."
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Taka Kigawa performs György Ligeti Etude No. 2 "Cordes à vide"
Taka Kigawa performs György Ligeti's Etude No. 2 "Cordes à vide," live in his sold-out recital in New York City in 2011. The New York TImes highly praised his performance of this music as "clear, textured readings," "played with aplomb," etc.
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Taka Kigawa performes Chopin Prelude, Op. 28 - No. 13
Taka Kigawa performed Chopin's 24 Préludes, Op. 28 in his sold-out recital at Austrian Cultural Forum in New York in December 2012.
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Taka Kigawa performs Debussy "Feux d'artifice"
Pianist Taka Kigawa performs Claude Debussy's Feux d'artifice (Fireworks,) in his sold-out recital at (le) Poisson Rouge, New York City in August 2011. The New York Times has highly praised him playing this music as "incisive, clear, textured reading," and "colorful rendition," etc.
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Taka Kigawa performs Stravinsky "Danse Russe" from "Petrouchka"
Taka Kigawa performs Igor Stravinsky's "Trois Mouvements de Petrouchka," live at Bargemusic, New York City in 2011.
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Taka Kigawa - Marco Stroppa: Traiettoria... deviata
Taka Kigawa performing live Marco Stroppa's "Traiettoria... deviata" on August 24th 2015 at (le) Poisson Rouge in New York City, USA. The live electronics was performed by Rafael Valle. The New York Times highly praised this performance as "'Traiettoria ... Deviata' (1982) sometimes adds to, and sometimes supplants, natural reverberations with echoing, otherworldly electronic sounds," and "Mr. Kigawa plays with a fundamental gentleness, even in intense passages, but he brings a precision to the relentless pricks and bristling repetitions in these pieces that’s especially effective when contrasted with the amorphous soundscape of 'Traiettoria ... Deviata.' That work’s concept — an interaction of acoustic and electronic — can seem pat in 2015, but the relationship between the two worlds is vivid enough to still persuade." For the full article, go to:
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Taka Kigawa - Chopin: Prelude in D minor, Op. 28 No. 24
Taka Kigawa performs Frederic Chopin's Prelude in D minor, Op. 28 No. 24 in his sold-out recital, "Preludes of Chopin and Debussy" at (le) Poisson Rouge in New York City in August 2016.
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Taka Kigawa - Debussy "La Cathédrale engloutie" from Preludes Book I
Taka Kigawa performs Claude Debussy's Prelude X... (...La Cathédrale engloutie) from Preludes Book I, in his sold-out recital, "Preludes of Chopin and Debussy" at (le) Poisson Rouge in New York City in August 2016.
"Thoughtful, poetic accounts, Mr. Kigawa’s Debussy is carefully shaded and texturally transparent. He knows how to make this music sparkle. He is equally adept at tapping Debussy’s sense of mystery." - The New York Times
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Taka Kigawa: Ravel Piano Concerto in G major
Taka Kigawa performs Maurice Ravel's Concerto for Piano in G major, with the Longmont Symphony Orchestra. Elliot Moore conducts. Saturday, November 10, 2018 at Vance Brand Civic Auditorium in Longmont, Colorado, USA.
The concert program also included Conor Brown's "How to Relax with Origami," and Claude Debussy's "La Mer." The newspaper, Longmont Observer praised the concert as "Invigorating and engaging."
エリオット・ムーア指揮 ロングモント交響楽団
2018年11月10日 コロラド州ロングモント市
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Taka Kigawa in "Pierre Boulez on 12 Notations"
Pierre Boulez talks about 12 Notations, with a concert performance by Taka Kigawa: Complete Solo Piano Works of Pierre Boulez
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